Doctoral studies
The doctoral program of the University carries out training of scientific and pedagogical staff in the following specialties:
21.06.02 - "Fire safety",
21.02.03 - "Civil Protection",
25.00.02 - "Mechanisms of public administration".
The adjucture of the university carries out training of scientific and pedagogical personnel on scientific specialties:
21.06.02 - "Fire safety";
21.02.03 - "Civil Protection";
19.00.09 - "Psychology of activity in special conditions";
25.00.02 - "Mechanisms of public administration".
Doctoral studies, adjuncture
The doctoral program of the University carries out training of scientific and pedagogical staff in the following specialties:
261 - "Fire safety",
263 - "Civil Defense",
183 - "Environmental protection technologies",
074 - Public Administration.
University adjutcture provides training for higher education students at the third (educational-scientific) level of higher education in scientific specialties:
Forms of studies in the field of studies - with a break from work - day (evening), without leaving the work - absentee. Form of study in doctoral studies - with a break from work (daytime).
The purpose of doctoral studies and adjunctures is to prepare scientific and pedagogical and scientific personnel within the framework of postgraduate vocational education in the specialties "Fire safety", "Civil defense", "Civil Protection", "Psychology", "Public administration" for higher educational institutions, vocational training schools, educational centers, research institutes and practical subdivisions of the SES of Ukraine.
Preparation for doctoral studies and adjuncture of NUCD Ukraine is carried out at the expense of:
1. Funds of the State Budget of Ukraine foreseen for the maintenance of the SES of Ukraine - on a state commission for work with the SES of Ukraine;
2. Funds of legal entities and individuals - under contract - for work in the state and non-state sectors of the national economy. Expenses related to the training of third-party applicants are made at the expense of the applicants or organizations where they work..
To doctoral studies on a competitive basis are accepted persons who have a scientific degree of PhD, scientific achievements and published works on the chosen scientific specialty and who are able to carry out fundamental, search and applied scientific research at a high scientific level.
Applicants to the doctorate before August 12 of the common year submit the following documents to the rector of the university:
1. report (statement);
2. the personal record sheet for personnel (questionnaire);
3. medical certificate of health status in the form N 286-y;
4. copies of the diploma of graduation from a higher educational establishment;
5. autobiography;
6. characteristic-recommendation from the place of work;
7. extract from the minutes of the chair meeting with a recommendation for study, approval of the direction of the future dissertation research and scientific consultant;
8. report (application) from the doctor or Ph.D on the consent to carry out scientific counseling.
9. detailed plan of the dissertation for obtaining a scientific degree of the doctor of sciences;
10. copies of basic scientific works on specialty;
11. copy of the diploma awarding a scientific degree of the Ph.D (in case of obtaining the corresponding education abroad - a copy of the nostrified diploma).
To attach to the University, the applicant must write the following documents in order to write a thesis for the rector of the university:
1. report (statement);
2. a report (application) from the doctor or candidate of science on the consent to carry out scientific guidance;
3. application of the institution in which the applicant works (for the applicants of the academy - the application of the unit);
4. characteristic from the place of work;
5. personnel sheet on personnel records (questionnaire);
6. autobiography;
7. a list of published scientific works and inventions, and in case of their absence, an abstract on the chosen direction of scientific research;
8. a copy of the diploma of higher education and the qualification of a specialist or master;
9. originals of certificates for the preparation of candidate's exams (if available);
10. extract from the minutes of the meeting of the department (laboratory, department, etc.) with the approval of the direction of the future dissertation research and scientific supervisor;
11. the name of the topic and the detailed thesis plan.
To attach to the University for the purpose of examinations, the following documents are to be submitted to the rector of the university:
1. report (statement);
2. application of the institution in which the applicant works;
3. a description from the work place;
4. the personal record sheet for personnel (questionnaire);
5. a copy of the diploma of higher education and the qualification of a specialist or master;
6. excerpt from the decision of the Academic Council, where dissertation work is carried out;
7. general information on the topic or direction of the dissertation and the Head of scientific work.
tel. (057) 707-34-69
RULES for admission to the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine in 2018