Research Center
Vice-Rector for Research - Head of Research Center
Doctor of Sciences (Technical Sciences), Full Professor
Colonel of civil protection serviсe
Volodymyr Andronov

Deputy Head of the Center –
Head of the Department of organization of research and patent activities of Research Center
Doctor of Sciences (Technical Sciences), Professor
Colonel of civil protection serviсe
Evgeniy Rybka
Chief Researcher
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Full Professor
Yuri Abramov
Research Center includes the following scientific divisions: Department for the organization of scientific research, Scientific Department on problems of civil protection and technogenic-ecological safety, the research laboratory of extreme and crisis psychology.
Main tasks of the Research Center
- Perspective and conceptual planning of the directions of scientific work at the university.
- Search, study and implementation of effective forms of research work.
- General coordination of scientific, scientific-technical, scientific-methodical and other types of scientific activity of the permanent and variable composition of the university and its structural divisions.
- Control over the training of graduates.
- Promotion of international scientific cooperation, creation the conditions for inter-university cooperation and other links in the scientific sphere.
- In its activities, the research center is guided by the Constitution and current laws of Ukraine, by-laws, statute of the university, the Regulations about the Center.
61023, Kharkiv, Chernyshevska, 94