International scientific programs
Doctor of Science (Technical Sciences), Senior Researcher Vadim Tutyunyk (National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine);
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher Oleksandr Levterov (National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine).
Ideas for applications, software, devices, or technologies based on satellite navigation were presented at this competition.
The idea is aimed to increase the safety of natural and man-made emergencies, as well as environmental safety, in particular, the rapid delivery of various automated means of controlling danger factors using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), for the creation of a temporary control network in the zone of the National Assembly and the adjacent territory automated means of controlling the hazards and the transmission of received video information on the level of radiation, chemical and biological contamination to the monitoring station with the help of a radio channel, as well as delivery of various types of cargo for the victims, depending on the actual situation in the zone of the National Assembly.
The main functional of the joint development is achieved at the expense of the creation of a cheap miniature navigation system (made by NTU KhPI scientists), integrated by the UAV control system, which achieves sufficient accuracy with the integration of inertial and satellite information and is able to function autonomously and device, which was created by scientists of NUCDU for dropping from the UAV cargo and automated devices for controlling hazards for victims.
The system «Dream-coach «Virtual Donbas» for veterans of the anti-terrorist operation in the eastern Ukraine (2016)
Teacher of foreign language Tamara Malarychuk (Zhytomyr Military Institute named after S.P. Korolev);
Ph.D. in Technical Sciences, teacher Dmitro Pribilnov (Kharkiv National Air Force University named after I. Kozhedub);
Doctor of Science (Technical Sciences), Professor Yuri Danik (Zhytomyr Military Institute named after S.P. Korolev).
«The European integration policy of Ukraine on the way to the crisis overcoming in the field of civil protection» (2016)
Doctor of Science (Public Administration), Professor Svetlana Dombrowska (National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine);
Doctor of Science (Public Administration), Professor Sergiy Maistro (National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine);
Ph.D. in Economics, Senior Researcher Viktoria Shvedun (National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine);
Ph.D. in Public Administration Alina Pomaza-Ponomarenko (National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine).

The project focuses on research on the EU's work on crisis management and civil protection (in particular, the peculiarities of the formation and implementation of a common and secure EU policy); analysis and assessment of the capacity of European institutions and Member States to manage crisis situations and implement civil protection functions. The project analyzes the issues of cooperation regarding the more effective use of existing forces and means of civil protection of Ukraine and the EU, as well as a system of information and analytical support for emergency situations in the EU and Ukraine. In addition, the project assesses the advantages and disadvantages of EU-Ukraine cooperation in the field of civil protection; the issue of the influence of foreign policy relations between Ukraine and the EU on the processes of modernization of the system of public administration in Ukraine and on the policy of European integration of Ukraine.