Стипендії DAAD пропонують різноманітні можливості навчання, стажування, проведення досліджень та підвищення кваліфікації на базі ВНЗ або науково-дослідницьких установ Німеччини. Для студентів також пропонуються стипендії на участь у літніх курсах німецької мови та навчальні поїздки до Німеччини.
Фінансове забезпечення залежить від категорії учасника та тривалості програми.
Конкурси на участь оголошується щорічно.
Для участі у конкурсі претендентам необхідно заповнити онлайн-заявку та подати до Інформаційного центру DAAD у Києві певний пакет документів (перелік залежить від програми).
За стипендіальною програмою ім. Фулбрайта щорічно оголошуються конкурси для студентів, аспірантів, викладачів та молодих дослідників на навчання та проведення досліджень в університетах США.
Фінансове забезпечення: надається щомісячна стипендія, медичне страхування, квиток в обидва боки, оплата навчання в університеті (для студентів).
Для участі у конкурсі претендентам необхідно подати до Офісу Програми імені Фулбрайта певний пакет документів (залежить від виду стипендії).
about the National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine
The National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine is one of the oldest higher education institutions, the only one in the system of higher education institutions of our country that trains specialists in all specialities and educational programmes for civil protection of Ukraine and other countries. The history of the institution began back in 1928 with the All-Ukrainian Fire and Technical Courses, which two years later received the status of Kharkiv Fire College, in 1946 - Fire and Technical School, in the 1990s and 2000s – Institute and Academy. Since 2009, the institution has been accredited as the National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine.
Over the years, the institution has trained more than 35,000 specialists for Ukraine and other countries. Its graduates have headed the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Ukraine, fire brigades, the Ministry of Emergencies and the Ministry of Internal Affairs departments in Ukraine and abroad. 30 graduates became generals.
The university has formed a unique qualitative scientific potential (Doctors of Sciences – 50, Doctors of Philosophy – 180, Professors – 36, Associate Professors and Senior Researchers – 150). Almost 90% of the university's research and teaching staff have academic degrees.
The University has the largest number of Doctors and Candidates of Sciences (Doctors of Philosophy) in Ukraine in the following specialities: fire safety, civil protection, psychology of activities in special conditions, mechanisms of public administration, environmental protection technologies.
The powerful and high-quality scientific potential allows us to fully ensure the educational process and research (innovation) activities of the university.
Currently, NUCP has five schools (civil protection, operational and rescue forces, social and psychological, fire safety, technogenic and environmental safety), an educational and research centre, a military training department, and a separate structural subdivision of the university – the Heroes of Chornobyl Cherkasy Institute of Fire Safety.
Specialists are trained in educational (educational and scientific) programmes of bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-doctoral degrees.
At the NUCP, higher education students study in more than thirty educational programmes in civil security, fire safety, psychology, ecology, cybersecurity and information protection, chemical technology and engineering, computer science, tourism and recreation, social work, public administration and management.
Highly qualified specialists are trained through doctoral and postgraduate studies, which, in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents, are licensed and accredited in 5 specialities: civil security, fire safety, environmental protection technologies, psychology, public management, and administration.
The university has all the prerequisites for publishing research results by research and teaching staff, as well as by students. Five collections of scientific papers of the University are included in category B of the List of Scientific Professional Publications of Ukraine: "Problems of Emergency Situations" (a multidisciplinary publication in all technical areas of training), "Technogenic and Ecological Safety", "Bulletin of the National Centre of Emergency Situations of Ukraine. Series: Public Administration", "Problems of extreme and crisis psychology", "Pablic administration and state security aspects" (frequency 2 times a year). Scientific publications are indexed by scientometric databases: Index Copernicus, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Academic Research Index, Google Scholar, Road, and others.
Every year, the University hosts the International Conference "Problems of Emergency Situations" with the indexing of materials in the Scopus database. The University has unlimited access to the most prestigious electronic scientific databases in the world: Scopus, ScienceDirect and Web of Science. Every year, the university staff publishes more than 100 articles in Scopus journals. These activities contribute to the further promotion of the university, its scientists and developments in the global scientific space.
NUCP is a patent holder of more than 400 patents. In 2022, the university filed 41 applications and received 38 patents for inventions and utility models. Despite the hostilities, the university was ranked 6th among all Ukrainian higher education institutions by the number of patents received in 2022.
According to the official ranking of Ukrainian higher education institutions for 2022 (published on Osvita.ua), the university is a leader among the higher education institutions of the State Emergency Service and other law enforcement agencies of our country according to the Scopus database (52nd among all of higher education institutions in Ukraine). The university's profile includes more than 600 scientific publications that have been cited more than 3000 times. At the same time, the Hirsch index reached the level of 28.
The University is constantly improving its performance in other international ranking systems, in particular, Ranking Web of Universities – the 69th place among Ukrainian universities (first among universities with specific learning conditions); TOP-200 Ukraine 2023 – 78th place among Ukrainian universities (first amongst universities with specific learning conditions).
An example of the successful integration of the university into the International Education and Research Area is the successful operation of the certified TOEFL foreign language testing centre at the B2 level and above.
Thus, according to international bibliometric indicators, the NUCP of Ukraine is a leader among Ukrainian higher education institutions in the security and defence sector of Ukraine, which testifies to the recognition and world-class scientific developments of the university.
Taking into account the highest indicators of educational and scientific activity amongst Ukrainian higher education institutions in the security and defence sector, the National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine is a powerful platform for solving the entire range of educational, scientific and innovative tasks for the sustainable development of civil protection in Ukraine and the world.
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- Республіка Польща - Головна школа пожежної служби у Варшаві у Республіці Польща
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- Угорська Республіка - Обудський Університет
- Республіка Латвія - Вища школа менеджменту інформаційних систем
- Республіка Латвія - Балтійська міжнародна академія