At NUCDU with the international participation were discussed issues related to the formation of effective mechanisms of public administration to ensure state security in online format

On May 14, the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine hosted an online round table "Formation of effective mechanisms of public administration to ensure state security" with international participation. Foreign scientists from the Baltic International Academy (Riga, Latvia), the Pomeranian Academy (Slupsk, Poland), the Academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the University of International Relations and Social communications (Chelm, Poland), representatives of higher education institutions of Kharkiv and other regions of our state took part in the scientific and communicative event dedicated to the Day of Science of Ukraine.

The participants of the international forum were greeted by Volodymyr Andronov, Vice-Rector for Research of the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, who wished  to foreign colleagues a fruitful work.

During the round table, the experts discussed issues of state policy and management in the field of national security: the content and implementation mechanisms, as well as management in the field of prevention and response to emergencies.


National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine

The representative of NUCD of Ukraine completed the international scientific and pedagogical online internship on the basis of the Higher Technical School (Republic of Poland)

From December 2020 to April 2021, Deputy Head of the Department of Fire and Rescue Training of the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine Roman Ponomarenko completed an international scientific and pedagogical online internship "Innovations in education. Innovative technologies for teaching disciplines" at the Higher Technical School in Katowice (Republic Poland).

The purpose of the scientific and pedagogical internship was to improve the skills of interns, update their theoretical and practical knowledge in connection with increasing the requirements for the level of qualification, and the need to master modern methods of solving professional problems by pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical workers.

The internship program included, in particular, participation in the II International Scientific Conference "The Role of Science and Education in Ensuring Sustainable Development" and a scientific and methodological seminar "Experience of EU countries in organizing the teaching of professional disciplines."

As a result of the internship, a collective monograph was published by a Polish scientific publishing house (with an ISBN index) and posted on the website of the Wyższa Szkoła Techniczna library in Katowice.

After the internship, Roman Ponomarenko, Deputy Head of the University's Fire and Rescue Training Department, received a certificate confirming the internship at a research institution in a country that is a member of the European Union and is taken into account when licensing and accrediting educational services.


National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine

Representatives of NUCDU completed the advanced training within the framework of the ERASMUS+ Jean Monnet Program

Roman Ponomarenko, Deputy Head of the Department of Fire and Rescue Training of the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, and Svitlana Kovalenko, Lecturer of the Department of Applied Mechanics and Environmental Protection Technologies, received certificates for participation in the Interdisciplinary Module "Best European Water Safety Practices for Sustainable Development". ERASMUS+ Jeanne Monnet programs.

Representatives of NUCD of Ukraine in the period from February 1 to April 14, 2021, within the framework of the project "ERASMUS+ Jean Monnet", successfully completed the module on the environmental safety of water resources. The event was attended by specialists from 15 institutions of higher education in Ukraine. During the project, despite all the quarantine conditions and restrictions, the participants exchanged views, communicated, gained new knowledge and experience.

According to the results of the module, certificates of the international standards were obtained.


National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine

NUCDU scientists are establishing contacts with Lithuanian colleagues

On April 2, within the framework of international cooperation and development of academic mobility, the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine hosted an online meeting of university scientists with representatives of Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania). Volodymyr Andronov, Vice-Rector for Research - Head of the NUTCDU' Research Center, Svitlana Dombrovska, Head of the Training Research and Production Center, and Alina Kovalenko, Lecturer at the Management Department of the Training Research and Production Center, discussed issues and agreed on joint seminars, student exchange and internships for teachers of higher education institutions.

Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania) is the largest specialized university of social sciences in Lithuania, whose priority areas of training are law, civil security and public administration.


National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine

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