Scientific research work
Research, research and development works (acronym R&D) - a set of works aimed at obtaining new knowledge and their practical application in creating a new product or technology.
Research and Development (R&D) , which includes: Research work - theoretical and experimental work performed to determine the technical feasibility of creating a new technology on certain terms. Research works are divided into fundamental (obtaining new knowledge) and applied (application of new knowledge to solve specific problems) research.
Research work is a work of a search, theoretical and experimental character, carried out in order to determine the technical feasibility of creating a new technology and technology. Research works are divided into fundamental and applied.
Applied Scientific Research - scientific and scientific and technical activity aimed at obtaining and using knowledge for practical purposes - development of new products, new materials, technologies and process equipment.
Research and development works and technological works - a complex of works on the development of design and technological documentation for a prototype product, the manufacture and testing of a prototype product, which are performed according to the technical task.
State standard of Ukraine "Documentation. Reports in the field of science and technology. Structure and Rules of Design "- DSTU 3008-95 is harmonized with the international standard ISO 5966:1982 "Documentation-Presentation of scientific and technical reports", which is used by specialists of the most advanced and developed countries such as USA, Japan, France, Germany, Canada, Netherlands, Belgium and others.
The organization of works on state registration and registration of R&D and theses of Ukraine is regulated by the Procedure of state registration of open scientific research, research and development works and dissertations (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated October 27, 2008, No. 977).
The research work at the University is organized in accordance with the Order of the SES of Ukraine No. 475 dated September 29, 2016 on the approval of the Regulations on the organization of scientific and scientific and technical activities in the State Emergency Service of Ukraine. One of the types of research activities of the University is the implementation of research, development and design works.
For state registration (opening) of R&D it is necessary:
- in early September of the recent year you have to provide to the department of organization of research work plan of research work from the university unit;
- draw up a program of research work in the appropriate form;
- fill the registration card with the appropriate program.
To complete (finish) the research, the following documents are required:
- accounting card;
- information card;
- report.
At present, Evgeniy O. Rybka and Konstantin M. Karpets are responsible for the development of research plans and the provision of advisory assistance to scientific and scientific-pedagogical staff on issues of state registration of works and control of implementation. As a result of this activity the University has about 50 research works each year.