Scientific society of young scientists
The Scientific Society of Students, Cadets, Postgraduates, Adjuncts, Doctoral Students and Young Scientists at the University is part of the University's system of public administration.
Scientific society is a voluntary association of students, cadets, postgraduates, adjuncts, doctoral students and young scientists, which protects the rights and interests of persons studying or working in higher educational institutions, in particular, on issues of scientific activity, support of knowledge-based ideas, innovation and knowledge sharing.
The scientific society is called to unite the scientific potential of the scientific and pedagogical staff, students, cadets, postgraduates, adjuncts, doctoral students and young scientists of the University, and aims at activating scientific research, publicizing their results, and expanding scientific and creative contacts.
Since 1998, scientific institutions of young scientists have been working at our institution. The work of a scientific society is organized in accordance with the Regulations on the scientific society of cadets (students), adjuncts (post-graduate students), doctoral students and young scientists of the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine approved by the order of the University No. 133 dated 28.09.2018.
Development of scientific creativity of young people, formation of independent skills in organizing and conducting researches.
Providing assistance to scientific and pedagogical staff of the University in solving scientific problems.
Participation in conducting scientific conferences, seminars, competitions of scientific works.
Popularization of scientific activity among students of the youth, promotion of attraction of the persons studying to scientific work and innovative activity.
Promoting the quality of research and information exchange among young scientists.
Coordinates the work of the scientific community lieutenant of civil protection service Victoria V. Gorinova.
To solve the problem of education and training of young scientific personnel for research and teaching activities among cadets, students and young scientists, as well as for the purpose of deepening the knowledge of special disciplines at the university by the cadets and students, was established the Council of Young Scientists, the composition of which was approved by the order of the university No. 179 dated 28.09.2017.