Representatives of NUCDU took part in the online meeting "Gender assessment in State emergency service system: main results and prospects for implementation of recommendations"
On October 4, representatives of the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine: Gender Commissioner (Vice-Rector for staff) Andriy Titarenko, Gender Equality Specialist Sofia Bogomazova and Freelance Rector's Adviser on Gender Issues Anna Zubahina took part in a video conference presenting the results of the gender assessment, which lasted during the year (since September 2020), and discussed the next steps for the implementation of relevant recommendations in the system of the State emergency service of Ukraine.
The event was held online under the chairmanship of Mykola Ilchenko, Deputy Head of the SES, who stated that the main goal of gender assessment is to improve operational efficiency by making changes or introducing new approaches that will promote full and equal participation of men and women in the Service and meeting security needs of men, women, boys and girls that work in the field of civil protection.
Speakers at the conference were Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Kateryna Pavlichenko, UN Representative in Ukraine / Head of the UN Office for Women in Ukraine Erika Kvapilova, UN National Consultant for Women in Ukraine Myroslava Baibak, Program Coordinator Ludmila Kovalchuk and UN Women Analyst in Ukraine Anna Kvit.
The presentation of the report on gender assessment in the SES system was made by the Head of the Gender Equality Sector of the SES Yulia Maligonova, who noted that the gender assessment was initiated by the SES of Ukraine with the assistance of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the National Action Plan Women, Peace, Security and the Action Plan of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the implementation of gender policy for the period up to 2021
The initiative is implemented with the support of the UN Women in Ukraine within the project "Gender Equality at the Center of Reforms, Peace and Security" with the financial support of Sweden.
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Representatives of NUCD of Ukraine became participants of the International field trainings on emergency response of chemical, radiation and biological origin within the project "EA-CHEM-REACT 2"
On September 27-29, within the framework of the EU-CHEM-REACT 2 project, international field exercises took place, which were attended by specialists from Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Moldova, as well as rescuers and representatives of the SES of Ukraine. The training took place on the territory of Yavoriv landfill (Lviv region).
The collaboration of five states aimed to study and develop procedures for responding to emergencies of chemical, radiation and biological origin. These trainings provided for command, staff and field trainings to work out the interaction of civil protection services in Eastern Europe and the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism and are a continuation of the first part of the exercises, which took place in 2018. The training was conducted under the guidance of moderators who monitored the course of events. The events took place at several locations with the participation of teams from different countries, which allowed to work out joint actions in case of emergencies of chemical, radiation and biological origin. The entire training process was monitored by invited observers, including representatives of international organizations and the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine - Head of the Department of Special Chemistry and Chemical Technology Olena Tarahno and Lecturer of the Department of Fire Tactics and Emergency Rescue Eugen Kryvoruchko.
In addition, international organizations participated in trainings, including the International Center for Chemical Safety (Warsaw), the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, the United Nations, the OSCE and Interpol.
Cadets and scientific and pedagogical workers of NUCDU took part in the opening of the exhibition "Anti-terrorist operation - Joint Forces Operation through the eyes of contemporary artists"
On October 1, the Yermilov Center hosted the opening of the exhibition "ATO-JFO through the eyes of contemporary artists."
The exhibition is organized with the support of the Center for Contemporary Art "Yermilov Center", Kharkiv National University named after V.N. Karazin, Kharkiv regional organization "Union of ATO veterans", military units, formations and higher education institutions of the Kharkiv garrison. The organizers of the exhibition are the Kharkiv organization of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine and the Kharkiv club "General".
Among the numerous guests, the event was attended by researchers and cadets of the Faculty of Fire Safety of the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine.
The exhibition is attended by more than 50 professional artists of Kharkiv region, who provided for exhibition more than 150 works from all kinds of classical and non-classical fine arts (painting, graphics, sculpture). The exposition demonstrates the possibilities to convey a generalized and concretized image of the defender of the Motherland and to connect this image with the issues of national identity. The motives of feat, patriotism, education of nationally conscious youth, glorification of the military feat of living defenders and perpetuation of the memory of those who died for the independence of Ukraine are also sharpened.
Cadets, students and teaching staff of the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine will be able to visit the exhibition, which will run until October 10.
Specialists in the field of civil defense of Kharkiv region discussed urgent issues on the basis of the National University of Civil Defence
On September 28, a training seminar on civil defense was held at the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine. The participants of the event were the heads of territorial communities in the field of education, heads of vocational education institutions, heads of secondary education institutions of regional subordination.
University specialists acquainted the representatives of the training seminar with the requirements for fire safety, the organization of evacuation from the premises during emergencies. There were 6 training sites for civil defense specialists on the university square: to test actions during the detection of explosives, dangerous chemicals, traffic accidents, home care and assistance to the victim after the accident, and rescuers demonstrated primary firefighting equipment.
According to Ivan Sokol, Director of the Civil Defense Department of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration, the event brought together more than 100 civil defense specialists from the Kharkiv region, where the results of the past period were summarized and priority areas for the next year were identified. The Director of the Department stressed the urgency of child safety, and in the future we will work together to create a mechanism to improve and increase awareness of the safety of children and adults who are responsible for the health and lives of future generations.
The educational and methodical seminar was held in order to promote the basics of civil protection of the population and territories, life safety measures and study of actions in case of emergencies.
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine