Practical classes in the fire simulator continue at the NUCDU department

On February 3, research and teaching staff of the Department of fire tactics and rescue operations of the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine continued a series of practical classes using a container-type fire simulator.

The participants of the classes were 4th year higher education cadets and students of the Faculty of operational and rescue forces. Classes on "Rescue of people and extinguishing internal fires" were conducted by the head of the Department of fire tactics and rescue operations Andriy Lisnyak and senior lecturer of the department Konstantin Ostapov. During the event cadets practiced ways to search and rescue people in a fire, including - using a thermal imager, gained skills in operating fire extinguishing jets, practiced tactics for extinguishing internal fires.

Scientists from NUCDU took part in a meeting of the Scientific and Technical Council of the State Emergency Service

On January 20, online meeting of the Scientific and Technical Council was held at the Crisis Center of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine. The meeting was attended by members of the Scientific and Technical Council of the SES of Ukraine, heads of scientific institutions and institutions of higher education of civil defense, secretaries of sections of the Scientific and Technical Council of the SES, representatives of structural units of the SES. The National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine was represented by Volodymyr Andronov, Vice-Rector for Research, and Evgeniy Rybka, Deputy Head of the Center - Head of the Research and Patent Organization Department. Among the issues on the agenda of the meeting, the participants discussed the main results of research and current issues in the organization of their implementation. Volodymyr Andronov, Vice-Rector for Research, reported on measures for scientific and scientific-technical activities of the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine in 2020. The results of the university's work in this area were highly praised by the Director of the Personnel Department of the SES of Ukraine Oleksandr Dotsenko and the Head of the Department of Education and Science of the SES of Ukraine Yuriy Rys.

Press Service of NUCDU

NUCDU hosted online meetings in support of the annual World Action "16 Days Against Violence"

On December 7 and December 10, 2020, were held online meetings with higher education students of the faculties of civil defense and rescue forces on the topics: "Combating gender-based violence and discrimination", "Legislation and international standards of gender equality", in the Civil Service of Ukraine for Emergencies situations there is a place for everyone…” and “Know your rights - save yourself”.

Sofia Bogomazova, a specialist on gender equality, acquainted the participants of the meeting with the main directions of state policy to ensure equal rights and opportunities for women and men, analyzed the main provisions of Ukrainian law: "On equal rights and opportunities for women and men"; "On the principles of preventing and combating discrimination in Ukraine"; "On Prevention and Counteraction to Domestic Violence".

The online meeting discussed issues related to the implementation of gender equality and its benefits for the security and defense sector of Ukraine; features of overcoming domestic violence, combating trafficking in human beings, gender-based violence, and ensuring equal rights for women and men; legislation and international standards for gender equality.

Press Service of NUCDU

International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference "Public Administration in the 21st Century: Problems and Prospects of Development" continues at NUCDU

On November 20, 2020, National University of Civil Defence was hosting an International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference "Public Administration in the 21st Century: Problems and Prospects of Development" under the auspices of the Web of Science. The scientific and communicative event is implemented together with scientific partners: Akademia Pomorska (Slupsk, Poland), Baltic International Academy (Riga, Latvia), Higher School of International Relations, and Social Communications (Chełm, Poland) 208 scientists from different cities of Ukraine took part in the conference. It is especially want to mention that young scientists took an active part in the preparation of the content of the conference: associate professors, graduate students, and masters of Training Research and Production Center, who prepared their articles together with supervisors and teachers on the platform

We wish everyone success in science.

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