NUCDU specialist (gender equality) took part in the thematic training "Gender equality and the agenda "Women, peace, security"

On September 16-17, Sofia Bogomazova, a specialist in gender equality at the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, took part in a two-day training on gender issues held in Kharkiv as a part of Equality for Security, implemented by the Gender Culture Center in partnership with the Ukrainian Women's Foundation and the Center for Gender Equality (Lithuania).

The project is supported by the US Department of State's European Assistance Coordinator's Office in Europe and Eurasia under the eighth round of the Development Cooperation Partnership Program.

More than 20 representatives of higher education institutions, the public sector, the parliamentary corps and the national police had the opportunity to understand what gender equality is and how society constructs gender roles, how these concepts are related to the agenda "Women. Peace. Security".

 Press service of NUCDU

Employees of NUCDU took part in the celebrations on the occasion of the Day of Remembrance of Defenders of Ukraine who died in the struggle for independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state

On August 29, at the Defenders' of Ukraine Square were hosted celebrations on the occasion of the Day of Remembrance of Defenders of Ukraine who died in the struggle for independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state. The event was attended by the leadership of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration, Kharkiv Regional Council, Kharkiv City Council, as well as heads of law enforcement agencies and higher education institutions, representatives of executive authorities, local governments, the public and youth.

The flower-laying ceremony was attended by the staff of the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine - Vice-Rector for staff Andriy Titarenko and Head of the Department of Media Relations and Public Relations Serhii Mishenin.


National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine

The ceremonial squad of NUCDU, headed by the rector Volodymyr Sadkovyi, worthily presented the SES at the parade of troops on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Ukraine's Independence

Celebrations on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Ukraine's Independence took place on August 24 at the capital's square - Khreshchatyk. A military parade was held on the main square of the capital. This year, among the participants of the military parade - 120 cadets and 10 officers of the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, who worthily represented the State Emergency Service of Ukraine. Volodymyr Sadkovyi, Rector of the University, Lieutenant General of the SES, headed the parade.

On this day, together with servicemen and employees of the security and defense forces of Ukraine, as well as partner countries, the right to carry the symbol of the 30th anniversary of Independence - 30-meter state flag, during the parade also fell to cadets Zinyak and Onipko.

The right to represent the State Emergency Service of Ukraine at the military parade on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Ukraine's Independence was given to the best officers and cadets of the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine. The successful march through the central square of our capital was preceded by painstaking training on the basis of the Cherkasy Institute of Fire Safety named after Heroes of Chernobyl and the runway of the airfield of the Kyiv State Aviation Plant "Aviant", where participants of the military parade together with other parade squads of all law enforcement agencies honed their steps and practiced joint actions. Oleg Semkiv, Vice-Rector and Head of Service organization Department, supervised the military training. All cadets of the university - participants of the parade clearly understood that this is the most important thing and it should be done with honor: not everyone had such an opportunity - to walk waiting for a step on the main street of our capital opposite to the President and Government of Ukraine.

By the way, the parade of the university was a participant in the parades of troops on the occasion of the anniversaries of Ukraine's Independence, which took place in our capital in 2003, 2009, 2010, 2014 and 2018, receiving high marks for excellent military training. As today, the ceremonial squads were headed by the rector of the higher education institution Volodymyr Sadkovyi.


National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine

Representatives of the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency visited National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine

Specialists of the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency continue to implement in Ukraine the Program of Preparedness for Radiation, Chemical, Biological and Nuclear Threats (SR2), strengthening the capacity of SES units and helping to institutionalize in Ukraine a training program for reacting on radiation, chemical and biological treats.

The overseas delegation visited NUCDU as follows: Thomas Hatfield, Project Manager, Michael Post, Senior Office Analyst, Peter O'Connor, radiation, chemical and biological treats Analyst, Alejandro Ibarra, radiation, chemical and biological treats Expert, Ben Wall, Deputy Head of Threat Reduction, Nigati, Assistant for Regulatory Affairs.

The meeting with the Rector of the university Volodymyr Sadkovyi became the first event in the program of stay of foreign representatives in NUCDU. After guests got acquainted with the training and laboratory base and equipment of the university, the crisis center. In addition, they had the opportunity to talk to the specialists of the laboratory of the Department of Special Chemistry and Chemical Technology, visited the heat and smoke chamber and the training ground. In the museum of the university they learned about the history of activity and creation of the educational institution.

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