Specialist (on gender equality) of NUCDU became a participant of the meeting of the Coalition "Kharkiv Region 1325"
A meeting was held at the Gender Culture Center to discuss the results of analysis of the Regional Action Plan for the implementation of the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 "Women, Peace, Security" until 2025 with the members Coalition "Kharkiv Region 1325".
The meeting also considered the Gender Map of Indicators to assess the compliance of regional and local action plans of Coalition "Kharkiv Region 1325" to the National Action Plan for the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 "Women. Peace. Security".
Sofia Bogomazova, Specialist (on Gender Equality) of the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine stressed the importance of detailed analysis of this Gender Map of indicators and its further use in the implementation of the Regional Action Plan to implement the National Action Plan to implement UN Security Council Resolution 1325 "Women, Peace, Security" аor the period up to 2025.
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Representatives from NUCD of Ukraine attended the All-Ukrainian round table "Monitoring the state of implementation of gender approaches in the process of training specialists in the security and defense sector of Ukraine"
Recently, the Vice-Rector for Research - Head of Research Center of the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine Volodymyr Andronov, Senior Researcher of the Research Laboratory of Extreme and Crisis Psychology of the Research Center Yanina Ovsyannikova, Specialist (in gender equality) Sofia Bogomazova and cadets of Faculty of Fire Safety Sholokov Eduard and Myronenko Anastasia attended the All-Ukrainian Round Table "Monitoring the state of implementation of gender approaches in the process of training specialists in the security and defense sector of Ukraine" in the framework of the National Action Plan to implement UN Security Council Resolution 1325 "Women, Peace, Security" until 2025 year.
The event was held on the basis of the Institute of Legal Training for the Security Service of Ukraine of the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University together with representatives of the Cabinet of Ministers - the Government Commissioner for Gender Policy Kateryna Levchenko.
The All-Ukrainian Round Table was held in a mixed format with the participation of representatives of all higher education institutions in the security and defense sector of Ukraine.
Sofia Bogomazova, specialist in gender equality made a report "Features of the implementation of gender policy in the activities of the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine".
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
The ISSN had been assigned to Scientific periodical "Public Administration and State Security Aspects" of the Training Research and Production Center of NUCDU.
The ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) had been assigned to the scientific periodical "Public Administration and State Security Aspects" founded by the Training Research and Production Center of the National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine together with the University of International Relations and Social Communications in Chelm. Thus, the international scientific periodical "Public Administration and State Security Aspects" of the Training Research and Production Center of the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine supplemented the list of international publications. The editorial board of the publication includes leading scientists of Ukraine and Poland.
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Scientist from the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine became a participant of the European Summit on Radiation, Chemical and Biological safety
The 12th International Civil Defense Summit was held in the Czech city Brno from November 30 to December 2. More than 100 experts from the United States, Germany, France, Italy, the United Kingdom, Portugal, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Poland, Bulgaria, Slovakia and Ukraine discussed international cooperation in responding to radiation, chemical and biological threats. At the scientific forum, the State Emergency Service of Ukraine was represented by Maksim Kustov, Head of the Scientific Department for Civil Protection and Technogenic and Environmental Safety of the Research Center of the National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine.
Particular attention was paid to measures to fight against COVID-19 pandemic. Maxim Kustov presented to the international community the capabilities of the SES to respond to emergencies of various kinds and presented the potential for training specialists in the field of civil protection at the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine. Negotiations were also held with manufacturers of safety equipment in the framework of cooperation on scientific cooperation and testing of the latest equipment during practical classes at the university. During the meeting, an agreement was reached with the organizers and participants of the Summit to hold the next International Summit 2022 in Ukraine on the basis of NUCDU.
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine