Representative of NUCDU became a participant of the seminar on modern problems of teaching methods of English in schools and universities of Ukraine
On March 29, 2019, a regular seminar devoted to the modern problems of the teaching of English language in schools and universities of Ukraine was held. The event was named "Oxford day". The participants of the event discussed the use of modern techniques and a set of interactive tasks during the writing an essay, which ensures the formation of successful writing skills in preparing for external testing and other exams; creative individual education in the audience that promotes a positive atmosphere between the teacher and the student and tune in to a dialogue that is an important factor in shaping the skills of Speaking.
The seminar was hosted by Anna Moris (regional manager of Eastern Europe, representing the Oxford University Press), and Martin Clarke (lecturer and methodologist who conducts seminars and trainings on the teaching of English language). After the training, all participants received a certificate. A drawing of new complexes of textbooks and posters of the publishing house "Oxford University Press" was also held. The event was attended by a senior lecturer at the Department of Language Training at the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, Ph.D. in philological sciences Alena Promska, who won a set of posters during the prize draw.
At NUCDU, freshmen worked out procedure in the cell educational inflammatory substances and methods of self-extinguishing and extinguishing a burning person
On April 4, at the training ground of the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, there were demonstrative practical exercises on working out methods of self-extinguishing and extinguishing a burning person in the cell educational inflammatory substances. The lesson was held in accordance with the section "Radiation, chemical and biological protection" of the curriculum for studying the discipline "Fundamentals of Special and Military Training". Its participants were cadets of the 1 st year of the Faculty of Civil Protection - future pyrotechnics.
At practical classes, applicants of higher education of the Faculty of Civil Protection worked on the use of means of personal protection of respiratory and skin in a smoky environment, as well as rules for self-extinguishing and extinguishing a burning person during the use of inflammation substances (napalm).
"If emergency - accident, fires and natural disasters with inflammatory substances happens, the first departments of the SES of Ukraine arrive to liquidate it and proceed directly to the fulfillment of their duties. During the elimination of an emergency, there may be any events, one of which is the exposure of rescuers of inflammable and flammable substances. So, every employee of the State Emergency Service should act correctly in such conditions, namely: without panicking, to perform a self-extinguishing treatment." said Igor Tolkunov, the Head of the pyrotechnic and special training Department. Correct methods of self-extinguishing was shown on a practical lesson.
Victoria Kolenko, press service NUCDU,photo - Іgorya Kotova, video - Dar'ya Ahmadulina
Scientists of NUCDU - active participants of the scientific and practical conference
On March 28, at the National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine, was held a scientific and practical conference "Perspective directions of scientific research concerning technical and logistic support of the National Guard of Ukraine".
Representatives of the Faculty of Civil Protection of the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, namely: Deputy Head of the Department of Management and Organization of Activities in the Field of Civil Protection, Ph.D. in Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Yaschenko O.A. and Associate Professor of the same Department, Ph.D. in Public Administration Lyashevskaya O.I. took an active participation in the work of the conference. During the scientific forum, participants discussed issues related to improving the normative and methodological support in the field of logistics of the military and police forces; determination of the priorities of scientific issues in the field of logistics of the military and police forces; interagency interaction and mutual relations among the entities of the law enforcement forces for integration of the logistics system; roles and places of economic sciences in solving the problems of comprehensive provision of military and police forces; the results of scientific research to improve the logistics of the military and police forces.
During the conference, participants worked fruitfully and gained useful experience, discussed promising scientific ideas for the implementation of new scientific researches.
Cadet from NUCDU became bronze medalist of the 2nd stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad on the discipline "Civil Protection"
This days at Kiev on the basis of the National Aviation University was held the second stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad on the discipline "Civil protection". Nearly 100 intellectuals from different regions of our country became participants of the event.
Active participation in All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad took students of the Faculty of Civil Protection of the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine Daria Bashtova, Vladislav Masalitin and Tetyana Shapovalova. To participate in the intellectual event, they work with Professor of the Department of Management and Organization of Activities in the field of civil protection of NUCDU Oleksandr Sobol and associate professor of the same department Oleksandr Levterov.
According to the results of the II stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad on discipline "Civil Protection", the diploma of the III degree was awarded to Daria Bashtova. Congratulations to runner up of the Olympiad and wishes all participants further success!
Press service of NUCDU