OSCE Experts Visited NUCDU within Project “Strengthening Ukraine's Emergency Response to Hazardous Chemicals”
On August 8, as part of the implementation of the project "Strengthening of Ukraine's Emergency Response Capabilities related to Hazardous Chemicals", the OSCE Project Coordinator staff arrived to the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine. The delegation, consisting of national project specialist Anna Predvichna, project assistant Anna Boechko, expert Maxim Dovganovsky, and Deputy Head of Department - Head of Department of Radiation, Chemical Protection and Evacuation Organization of the Public and Territory Protection agency of Department of Civil Protection Organization Gennady Dolbikov, met with the first Vice-Rector of NUCDU Volodymyr Covregin, Vice-Rector for Educational & methodical work Oleg Nazarov and staff of the Department of special chemistry and chemical technology. According to experts, one of the objectives of the project "Strengthening Ukraine's Emergency Response to Hazardous Chemical Substances" is to strengthen the State Emergency Service' capacity to train rescuers responsible for responding to chemical emergencies by reviewing existing chemical safety topics. Curricula for the subjects of radiation, chemical, biological and nuclear protection taught in the educational establishments of SES.
The guests got acquainted with the NUCDU educational material base and discussed the main stages of the project implementation. The perspective plans include conducting training courses at the university.
Head of the department and cadets from NUCDU took part in international trainings Rescue Days Ukraine 2019
On June 19-21, 2019, cadets from the operative and rescue faculty led by the Head of the Department of fire tactics and rescue operations Andriy Lisnyak participated in the international trainings Rescue Days Ukraine 2019. The massive event took place in village Gorodishe on a special-purpose emergency rescue detachment of the Rivne Garrison of the SES of Ukraine. During trainings, cadets were able to get acquainted with the current trends in the field of emergency and rescue work. The exercises organized 4 training places for theoretical classes and 8 training places for working out the skills of rescue people and liquidation of consequences of emergency situations. The speakers at the training places were Ukrainian rescuers who had been trained in Poland. In the course of the training, cadets were able to deepen their knowledge of the organization of emergency rescue works, to talk with Ukrainian and Polish colleagues and to discuss some of the points. Visiting such events provides an opportunity not only to study, share experiences, enhance their professional skills, but also keep up with domestic trends.
Another defense of dissertation work at the NUCD of Ukraine
On June 19, 2019, at the specialized academic council D 64.707.04 of the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, was held another defense of the dissertation work for obtaining the scientific degree "Doctor of technical sciences" on specialty 21.02.03 - civil protection. Dissertation work was made by representative of our university, which is definitely important in the conditions of continuous increase of requirements to the qualification level of scientific and pedagogical workers of institutions of higher education.
Report of the Associate Professor of the Department of Specialty Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the Faculty of Rescue Forces Lieutenant Colonel of Civil Protection Service Maxim Kustov on the results of the dissertation on the topic "Organizational and technical methods for the elimination of the consequences of emergencies that lead to the release of dangerous substances into the atmosphere" caused a lively interest among members councils and specialists in the field of civil protection. The scientific advisor of the applicant is professor of the department of special chemistry and chemical technology of the faculty of rescue forces NUCD of Ukraine doctor of sciences, professor Kalugin V.D.
Members of the Specialized Academic Council wished Maxim Kustov the creative inspiration and continued movement towards the further development of the scientific achievements.
The Fulbright Scholarship shared her experience
On June 14, Victoria Tsokota, a leading researcher at the Research Laboratory for Extreme and Crisis Psychology of the National University of Civil Defence, was invited by Fulbright to participate in the setting session for scholars 2019-2020 at the US Embassy in Ukraine.
Victoria shared the experience of conducting scientific work in the USA with this year's winners and provided useful advice. The scientist emphasized the importance of communicating with American colleagues and active participation in the life of the host scientific institution. During the presentation, a video about the activity of the Center for the Implementation of Psychotraining Technologies of NUCDU was demonstrated and prospects of further cooperation with the Institute of Creative Technologies (USA) were noted. At the end of the session, participants welcomed the American House, where guests had the opportunity to chat informally and discuss the details of the program.