Scientist from NUCDU participates in NATO International Courses for Experts in Chemical, Radiation and Biological Protection
On September 1-6, at Academy of Crisis Management and Civil Protection (Ahrweiler, Germany) were held international NATO training courses for experts in chemical, radiation and biological protection. The State Emergency Service of Ukraine was represented by Maxim Kustov, Assistant Professor of Department of Special Chemistry and Chemical Technology of National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine.
15 representatives from different European countries worked out theoretical and practical aspects of international cooperation in response to accidents, elements of joint work of the international staff, sampling of hazardous materials, exploration of the emergency area, decontamination of rescuers and victims, as well as other important components of the process of elimination of large-scale accidents. Maxim Kustov presented to participants the structure of SES and its capabilities to eliminate the consequences of accidents involving the release of hazardous substances. Also, the international experts were presented with the opportunities of the National Center for Civil Protection to train civil protection specialists. The acquired new knowledge and educational materials will help to improve the quality of training of cadets and students at our University.
Freshmen visited the Museum of National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
On September 4, 1st year cadets of the Faculty of Rescue Forces visited the Museum of National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, where they learned a lot about the history of our university, veterans and prominent people of the university. Specialist Yuri Belous conducted the excursion. More than 8,000 photographs struck the museum's visitors.
Solemn raising of the State Flag of Ukraine and the Flag of the SES of Ukraine on the occasion of the 28th anniversary of Ukraine's Independence
On August 24, at the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine under the leadership of the responsible university - the head of the department of educational, social and humanitarian work Yuri Hurtov, a solemn ceremony of the staffing and raising of the State Flag of Ukraine and the State Emergency Service of Ukraine flag was commemorated to mark the 28th anniversary of Ukraine's Independence.
The Head of the SES of Ukraine Mykola Chechotkin sent his congratulations on the holiday which was read by the Head of the course Andriy Melnychenko. After the summons for the cadets, the course leaders were provided with state-legal information on the topic "28 years of Ukraine's Independence" and organized a review of the Dignity and events conducted under the leadership of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky in our state capital, Kyiv.
Greetings from the Chairman of the SES of Ukraine Mykola Chechotkin on the occation of The Independence Day of Ukraine
Dear colleagues!
I congratulate you on The Independence Day of Ukraine
On August 24, 1991, the ukrainian people asserted their right to be masters in their native land, to have their own State. Independence has opened up great opportunities for the spiritual development, economic growth and well-being of every citizen.
Unfortunately, today the struggle for independence is ongoing. Ukraine is forced to defend its right to independence, to have own opinion and peaceful future.
In the difficult conditions nowdays, rescuers of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine at the first call are always ready to help the victims. Our units, with excellent professional training, responsiveness and experience, accomplish the tasks on purpose. Thank you for your heroism, commitment, and hard work.
I wish you good health, family well-being, happiness, peaceful skies, endurance and new achievements for the benefit of ukrainian people.