More than 50 cadets and students of the Master's program of NUCDU became participants of tactical exercises in Kharkiv Metro.
On May 31, at the station "Geroiv Praci" of the Saltovska line of the Kharkiv Metro, was held tactical training. Their purpose was to work out the actions of metro workers in the event of a fire in the train, as well as to carry out rescue and extinguishing fire by SES departments.
The training was conducted under the direction of Oleksandr Volobuyev, the head of the Main Department of SES of Ukraine in Kharkiv region. The training was attended by: subdivisions of district fire and rescue services, representatives of region and city administration, the leadership and staff of the Kharkiv metro, scientific and pedagogical workers, students of the magistracy department and cadets of the faculties of civil defense, fire safety and rescue forces of the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, medics of the Emergency Medical Care Center, the Mining Rescue Service, the National Police.
According to the legend of the exercises, during the train movement from the station "Studentskaya" to the station "Geroiv Praci", due to a short electrical wiring in the 3rd railway carriage was burning. The fire on combustible constructions quickly began to spread through the car. The train driver takes steps to pull the train to "Geroiv Praci" station for the landing of passengers. Manager of station is taking measures to switch off the power supply of the contact rail and evacuating people from the platform to the escalators. The first unit, that begin to extinguish fire are members of the voluntary fire formation of the metro.
The first rescue units arrived in 5 minutes. At the time of their arrival, the fire area was 15 square meters, the station's premises and exits were covered with a dense smoke. According to the station's regular station, passengers were left in the railway carriages and on the platform of the station. The fire extinguishing director organizes a reconnaissance group that goes down to the station for search and rescue works.
At the site of the event, an operational headquarters has been set up, which includes the leadership of the State Emergency Service and metro. Rescuers are given an order to transport the victims from the station to the surface, first aid station is created. In the fire extinguishing also take part the mobile base of the Gas Service and the Mine Rescue Service. In 30 minutes the fire was eliminated.
Finally, the workers of the chemical and radiological service of the SES of Ukraine in Kharkiv region descend to the metro station, which should identify potentially chemically dangerous materials found on the platform. The chemists neutralize and raise it to the surface for further utilization, and then undergo decontamination at the mobile decontamination mobile station.
Summing up the exercises, the head of Main Directorate of SES, Oleksandr Volobuyev noted: "The greatest threat of fires in metro is panic, when passengers can not find a way out because of dense smoke. There is a danger of a large number of human casualties. Therefore, the efficiency and coherence of all services during the elimination of such emergencies is a guarantee of success. Thats why for this purpose such studies are conducted annually and are very close to possible real conditions."
Press service of NUCDU, based on the official website of SES of Ukraine
The teacher of NUCDU impressed the climbing world again!
Valentin Sipavin, the teacher of rescue and special training courses at the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, impressed the climbing world again. On May 23, 2019 he conquered the peak of Everest for the third time.
As you know, Everest is the highest mountain in the world, 8848 meters high, located on the border between China and Nepal. In general, the first climb to the peak of Everest was made on May 29, 1953. This year Valentin Sipavin made a successful hat-trick: he managed to climb the highest mountain in the world for 3 consecutive years. Also, Valentin repeated the peculiar record of another famous legendary climber Sergei Bershov on the number of climbing on Everest among ukrainians.
Cadet from NUCDU became the silver winner of the International Student Contest
Recently, the International Competition of Student's Scientific Works on selected specialties took place at Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University. The given international competition of student's scientific works was conducted with the purpose of integration of Ukraine into the European educational and scientific space, expansion of international relations, stimulation of students' innovative activity, mastering of modern technologies, creation of conditions for the formation of the intellectual potential of talented youth, etc.
Before the second round of the competition, the jury selected the scientific work of the 4th year cadet of fire safety faculty (NUCDU) Kulakova Ganna, which was made under the direction of the Vice-Rector for Research - Head of Research Center Colonel of civil protection serviсe Doctor of Science (Technical Sciences), Full Professor, Honored Scientist and Technician of Ukraine Volodymyr Andronov. The report and responses to the students' questions were made in English, the level of which impressed members of the jury. According to the judge's assessment, Ganna Kulakova became a silver medalist at the International Student Contest.
This prize-winning place in the International Competition of Student Scientific Works is the final point in the results of the participation of NUCDU in student research competitions for the 2018/19 academic year, namely 57.
Scientists of NUCDU and General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania signed an agreement on cooperation
On May 23-24, at the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, there were scientists from the General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania. The Lithuanian delegation included Senior Psychologist Rosita Kanapeskayt and Senior Instructor of the Department of Military Research and Methodology Development Center Linas Dungvescis. During the visit, foreign colleagues got acquainted with the activities of the Center for the introduction of psychotraining technologies, modern scientific developments on the psychological training of rescuers to perform assignments in the center of emergency. Lithuanian scientists participated in a two-day training "Extreme psychological training of rescuers for assignments in emergency situations" and received certificates.
Within two days, representatives of the General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania visited the material and technical, scientific and methodological base of the university. As the senior instructor of the Department of Military Research and the Methodology Development Center, Linas Dungvesquis, said: "Having visited NUCDU, we were convinced that the training of future rescuers was carried out at a high level, and we are planning future joint research and conferences." Foreign scholars remained enthusiastic about the functioning of the Center for the introduction of psychotraining technologies, because there isn't similar analogies in Lithuania.
The result of the visit of foreign colleagues was the adoption of an agreement between educational institutions on scientific cooperation.