At NUCDU were held trainings on extreme psychological training for future rescuers
On March 12-13, scientists of the research laboratory of extreme and crisis psychology of the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine on the basis of the Center for the implementation of psychotraveling technologies together with specialists in the psychological support sector continue trainings on theme "Extreme psychological training of rescuers to perform assignments in emergency situations". This time participants of the training were graduates of the higher education faculty of fire safety, which will soon carry out tasks for appointment directly in the center of emergency.
During the event, a computer simulation of the elimination of emergencies of different backgrounds, including critical infrastructure, was used. Also, parallel monitoring of the psycho-physiological state of students and the level of stress is realized with the help of smartwatches - stresstrackers (Emwatch) and polygraph.
After the training was held a test. During the course, cadets learned the rapid methods of adaptation to emergency conditions, increased their stress tolerance, worked out psychological endurance and skills of effective psychological self-help and mutual assistance. As noted by the head of the research laboratory of extreme and crisis psychology Svetlana Lebedeva, after graduation, participants in training sessions on the basis of NUCDU will be trained on specialized psychological training every five years.
Outdoor classes on the basis of the furniture factory JSC "New Style"
On March, 11th, the senior lecturer of the Department of Labor Protection and Technogenic-Ecological Safety of the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, Bogdan Tsymbal organized and conducted field training lessons "Assessment of Workplaces and ergonomics" for students - masters of the 5th year studying on specialty "Labor Protection" .
NS Nowy Styl is a trademark under which "New Style" company successfully produces and sells its products. Nowadays, the company "New Style" is a leader in the production of office chairs and armchairs in Ukraine and abroad.
During fieldwork, students learned about the specifics of the company's work, technological processes and equipment, which are part of the production process and sources of harmful and dangerous manufacturing factors. Students were able to communicate with the labor protection engineer and the hiring and adaptation staff about the nature of production, injuries at the workplace, types of briefings, certification and certification of workplaces. An important role for office workers is ergonomics, body position and comfort at the workplace, so the main goal of the company is to create comfortable office furniture. Also familiar with the ergonomic requirements for chairs and armchairs used in production.
Students were invited to work as a labor safety engineer, Yatsenko Marina agreed to an interview, so we wish her success. After classes all received gifts.
We express our gratitude to the administration and the specialist on hiring and adaptation of personnel Pankova Olena, as well as the labor safety engineer for arranging and assisting in conducting outdoors classes.
Outdoors classes on the basis of AQUASILA company - the manufacturer of pressure hoses in Ukraine
Applicants of higher education of the 5th year of the faculty of rescue forces of NUCDU conducted an additional outdoors lesson on the discipline "Engineering and rescue equipment" on the material and technical base of the company AQUASILA.
In the course of studying the discipline "Engineering and Emergency and Rescue Equipment", applicants of higher education of the 5th year of the faculty of the rescue forces learned about the technological process and equipment of the united Ukrainian company - manufacturer of pressure fire hoses - AQUASILA. The scientific and pedagogical staff of the department of engineering and rescue equipment led by the head of the department Andriy Kalinovsky conducted classes.
Also during the lesson, were demonstrated all stages of manufacturing and testing various pressure hoses of different types.
The lesson was interesting, cognitive and rich.
Practical lessons for the masters students of the NUCDU' magistracy department
On February 5-6, 2019, within the framework of studying the discipline "Management in crisis situations" under the direction of the lecturer of the department of management and organization of activities in the field of civil protection of NUCDU Julia Kharlamova at the Scientific, Design and Technology Institute of Micrography was held field classes with students of the Civil Defense Faculty of the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine.
Scientific, Design and Technology Institute of Micrography was created on the basis of the Kharkiv State Design Institute of General Mechanical Engineering by order of the State Scientific and Production Center of the Ukrainian Documentation Insurance Fund of February 24, 1993, No. 4. The meeting was attended by the director of the Institute, Igor Krivulkin, who spoke about the main directions of the research activity of the Institute, and then the lectures were continued by the heads of departments . During 17 years, the Institute has completed over 400 scientific works. The listeners were able to see the information and reference system for the registration and processing of information on potentially hazardous objects - the State Register of FDI, and some normative documents on standardization of the systems "Documentation Insurance Fund", "Emergency Safety". At the end of the lesson, the representatives of the research institute answered all the questions that were of interest to the masters.