On April 10-11, 2019 at National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine will be held International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists "Problems and Prospects of Civil Protection".

On April 10-11, 2019 at National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine will be held International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists "Problems and Prospects of Civil Protection". More than 400 young scientists from Azerbaijan, Israel, Bulgaria, Poland, Kazakhstan and all regions of Ukraine will participate in the forum.

The annual scientific conference of young scientists "Problems and Prospects of Civil Protection" on the basis of NUCDU is becoming more and more relevant every year in the modern scientific sphere.

On April 10, the international scientific-practical conference will start its work in the plenary mode. The topics of the reports at the conference will be diverse and will cover issues of emergency prevention, organization of management of operations and rescue units, fire extinguishing and emergency rescue, rescue and special equipment, information technology and mathematical modeling, psychological support of operations and rescue units, safety of life and environmental problems.

Following the plenary meeting on April 11, participants of the conference will work in sections: "Prevention of fires and other emergencies", "Organization of management of operations of rescue units", "Extinguishing fires and emergency rescue work", "Emergency, rescue and special equipment" , "Automatic security systems and information technologies", "Psychological and humanitarian support of operations of rescue units", "Natural and scientific aspects of civil protection", "Labor protection and technogenic environmental safety", "Public administration in the field of civil protection" and "Radiation and chemical protection".

For acquaintance is presented the program of the International scientific and practical conference of young scientists "Problems and Prospects of Civil Protection".

Rector and Head of the NUCDU Department have participated in an international conference on gender issues in the curricula of the Defense and Security Sector

On March 19-20, an international conference "Taking into account gender issues in the curricula of higher education institutions of the security and defense sector" was held in Kyiv. The head of the forum - Vice Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine Ivan Klimpush-Tsintsadze welcomed guests of the conference. The conference was attended by representatives of EU, NATO and neighboring countries' ministries, leaders and specialists responsible for planning educational programs, higher education institutions in the security and defense sector. Among participants were the Rector of the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, Lieutenant General of Civil Protection Service Volodymyr Sadkovyi and the Head of the Department of Psychology of Activities at the University, the coordinator of the planning of educational programs for the implementation of gender issues Colonel of the Civil Protection Service, Lina Pereligina.

The purpose of the international conference was to create a platform for the exchange of gender-related experiences, challenges and approaches of the gender and peace agenda in curricula between the representatives of various higher education institutions in the security and defense sector. Participants exchanged with best practices and techniques for incorporating gender issues into the development of curricula and training for students and cadets, disclosed and discussed the diverse needs of men and women, boys and girls in the field of security, and emphasized the importance of institutionalizing gender issues into ukrainian security education programs.

On March 19, representatives of the forum discussed issues related to gender equality and the "Women, Peace and Security" agenda in higher education institutions of the security and defense sector; the results of institutional evaluation and analysis of training programs by the educational institutions of the security and defense sector in Ukraine, as well as the successful experience of incorporating gender issues into curricula.

On March 20, participants of the international conference developed a methodology and roadmap for integrating gender issues into curricula to achieve a unified understanding of the change theory and action plan for all institutions. They also worked in groups discussing a methodology for integrating gender issues into curricula.

On March, 20 on the basis of NUCDU will be held a round table "State of the system of emergency response to emergencies and fires"

On March 20, 2019, at the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, with the participation of the senior staff members of the Main Directorate SES of Ukraine in certain regions, will be held a round table discussion "The state of the system of operational response to emergencies and fires".

The purpose of the round table is to find ways to further improve the existing system of reaction to the emergencies due to the scientific substantiation of the mechanisms of implementation the tasks facing the civil protection service; Strengthening the links of science with the practice of organizing the operational units of the Civil Protection Service for responding to the emergencies and extinguishing fires; raising the level of professional knowledge of the scientific-pedagogical and scientific staff of the University on the practical and scientific component of the activities of the governing bodies and civil defense forces of the SES of Ukraine; reconciliation of the course of joint actions on the formation of a qualitative composition of the personnel in SES of Ukraine in the performance of tasks for the purpose in modern conditions.

Event starts at 2 p.m.
Address: Kharkiv, Bavarska street, 7

Scientific and practical seminar on the application of innovative technologies in the educational process of higher education institutions of civil protection has begun at NUCDU.

On March 14, at the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, the scientific and practical seminar "Application of innovations in the organization and method of conducting training sessions, the use of innovative technologies in the educational process of higher education institutions of civil protection" has begun. The event organizer is the Department of Personnel of the SES of Ukraine. The participants of the seminar were scientists and scientific-pedagogical workers of the Lviv State University of Life Safety, Cherkassy Institute of Fire Safety named after. Heroes of Chernobyl NUCDU, Institute of Public Administration in the field of Civil Protection, Ukrainian Research Institute of Civil Protection, Higher Professional School (Vinnytsia), Lyceum of Civil Protection of Lviv State University of Life Safety. The meeting was headed by the Head of the Department of Education and Science of the Department of Personnel of the SES Yuri Rys. In particular, he noted: "Today, on the basis of NUCDU, we start a series of planned scientific and technical seminars, we plan to work with the category of workers who are directly participants in scientific and educational processes. The purpose of the events is to exchange best practices on the best scientific work out of training specialists for the needs of the SES, discussing the problems and ways of their implementation on the topics of the scientific and practical seminar, developing common views on further improving and developing the educational process of sectoral education. "

On the first day of the seminar, participants reviewed the innovations in the organization and methodology of conducting training sessions using modern material and technical equipment on the basis of the leading institution of higher education of the SES of Ukraine in the field of civil protection. They also got acquainted with the activities of the Center for the implementation of psychotraining technologies, the use of author's program simulators in the educational process, simulation exercises in the process of training specialists through the simulation "MAKSIM", visited the library and museum of the university.

The scientific and practical seminar will last for two days on the basis of NUCDU. The next day, participants of the event will exchange the best gained experience.