Сurrent work and experience of distance learning for many years at the Faculty of Fire Safety NUCDU
For almost two months, cadets and students of the university have been in self-isolation at their homes and are forced to master some sections of the curriculum on their own. It is clear that they do not have the opportunity to use the laboratory and material base of the classrooms of the departments and the experience of teachers. Most teachers find themselves in a new and no less difficult situation, who in a short time were forced to arrange jobs for themselves at home, provide them with communication channels and, most difficultly, master new forms of teaching disciplines.
Perhaps it was a bit easier for the teachers of the Department of Automatic Security Systems and Information Technologies of the Faculty of Fire Safety, who once underwent advanced training in the development of distance learning courses at the National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute". The department has been using distance learning for many years to prepare students using special courses "Design of fire extinguishing systems, fire alarms, fire alarm and evacuation control, smoke protection, alarm transmission, lightning protection devices, fire protection treatment." The special course was developed by the departments of the Faculty of Fire Safety and the IT Center and has received more than one positive response from those who have mastered it (http://univer.nuczu.edu.ua/dl/). It is developed on the Moodle learning platform, which is designed to unite teachers, administrators and students into one reliable, secure and integrated system by creating a personalized learning environment. This platform is free, open and focused primarily on organizing the interaction between the teacher and the learner. It is suitable both for organizing the study of traditional distance learning courses and for supporting full-time study.
The developed course is integrated and combines several disciplines taught at the department. This course is actively used by scientific and pedagogical staff of the department to prepare students of distance learning (http://asbit.nuczu.edu.ua/avt_ebook/), cadets and students who missed classes.
With the beginning of quarantine the course was adapted to the topics of training, and its necessary sections and topics with the beginning of quarantine were adapted and set out in free access on the website of the Department of Automatic Systems and Information Technology (http://asbit.nuczu.edu.ua/). The administrator and developer of the site is associate professor of the department Malyarov M.V. In addition, here you can see the task for the time of quarantine in the disciplines taught at the department (https://onedrive.live.com/view.aspx?resid=957BA90D5CBBF22B!8303&ithint=file%2cxlsx&authkey=!ALv9B2wuM2B6ca to master the disciplines (for example, http://asbit.nuczu.edu.ua/files/M3/3.5.pdf), syllabuses of disciplines and find a lot of additional information.
The methodological support in the discipline "Applied Information Technologies" developed by associate professor Malyarov M.V. deserves special attention and was recognized as the best in the university. It is also posted on the website of the department (http://asbit.nuczu.edu.ua/view_disciplines.php?id_disc=8) and is used both for distance learning and for conducting classes at the university. This methodological support is easily integrated into the distance learning form. And the fact that this methodological support has been used during the classroom since the beginning of the school year contributed to the fact that cadets and students did not need to spend time to get acquainted and adapt to work with it. Cadets and students send the results of the work in electronic form to the teacher. The results of each lesson are evaluated by the teacher and recorded in an electronic journal that is available for viewing (https://onedrive.live.com/vihttps://onedrive.live.com/view.aspx?resid=957BA90D5CBBF22B!8166&ithint=file%2cxlsx&authkey=!AIxHfpblkA-0Yd8ew.aspx?resid=957BA90D5CBBF22B!8166&ithint=file%2cxlsx&authkey=!AIxHfpblkA-0Yd8).
For the organization of video lectures and video seminars in real time, as well as other teachers of the university, teachers of the department use the ZOOM platform. Unfortunately, for various reasons, not all students are active during such classes in real time. It is hoped that they will be able to independently master the training material using the methodological support presented on the website of the department.
The volunteering activities of the NUCDU cadets are gaining momentum
Currently, the cadets of the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine are active participants of the volunteer movement during quarantine. Today, on April 15, 81 cadets and students of our institution provided the necessary assistance to almost 377 citizens - elderly people and people with disabilities.
For example, such help was received to pensioners residing in Mystky, Milove, Zaaydarivka, Bulavinovka cities of Lugansk region. Cadets of the departments of fire safety and civil protection were assisted in the household, purchased the necessary medicines and food.
On the same day, cadets of all faculties and students of the magistracy at the Centers for providing social services in the Osviani, Industrial and Shevchenko districts of Kharkiv, in cities: Pokrov, Dnipropetrovsk region, Novograd-Volynsky, Zhytomyr region helped to distribute social assistance packages.
Volunteer assistance was also provided to the students of the NUCDU in Zaporizhzhya, Dnipropetrovsk and Vinnitsa regions.
In order to prevent the spread of viral infections among the population, to observe quarantine measures, rescuers of the 31st State Fire and Rescue Unit of the Main Directorate of the SES of Ukraine in Dnipropetrovsk region together with cadets-volunteers of the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine visited employees of the territorial center of Novomoskowsk city - the area of highest risk of infection.
Cadet of the faculty of fire safety Anastasia Mironenko conducted a volunteer raid on the Sur-Lithuanian community, located in Dnipro district of Dnipropetrovsk region. She visited single elderly people, learned about their well-being and whether they needed help, as they were currently at risk because of their poor health. Most had to go to the store, help with the housekeeping or just talk. Today, each of us can help the elderly in this difficult time for the country. Stay Home - We'll Help You!
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Joint work of American and Ukrainian practical psychologists
On February 28, Professor at the Department of Social Work at Monmouth University, an international instructor on psychological assistance in emergency situations at the American Red Cross (New York, USA), Fulbright Fellow Michael Cronin made a working visit to the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine.
Professor Cronin shared his experience of providing first aid in emergency situations in the United States during the 9/11 terrorist attack and Hurricane Katrina, international missions in Congo and Palestine. During the communication with students and students of the Faculty of Social Psychology, the University discussed the peculiarities of providing psychological assistance to vulnerable groups of population, American colleague also spoke about his cooperation with representatives of the Ukrainian Red Cross and provided useful tips for preventing the professional burnout of future professionals.
During the second part of the visit, representatives of the Research Laboratory of the Extreme and Crisis Psychology Research Center shared their experience in emergency situations. The head of the laboratory, Svetlana Lebedeva, told about the algorithms of psychological assistance to the victims during the Sknyliv tragedy, the features of evacuation of the victims due to the explosion of artillery depots, the destruction of high-rise buildings, the explosions at mines and demonstrated the capabilities of the Center.
Michael Cronin identified the high level of professionalism of Ukrainian colleagues, discussed with them the issues of interaction with other special services, the problems of psychological preparation of children for emergency situations, and emphasized the prospects of further cooperation with the research laboratory of the University.
Victoria Kolenko, Press Service of NUCDU, photo - Igor Kotov
The NUCDU' medical staff worked on the training on detection the patient with COVID-19
On February 28, the medical staff of the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine participated in a practical training session on working out the medical staff of the medical unit of the University in case of detection of a patient with a new coronavirus infection COVID-19 during outpatient reception. The training was conducted in accordance with the methodological recommendations on measures to prevent the introduction and spread of diseases caused by the new coronavirus infection among the personnel and departments of civil protection of the SES of the State Emergency Service, as well as the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine “On approval and implementation of standards of medical assistance for COVID-19.
Thus, during the classes, the identification of the main clinical manifestations and epidemiology of the new coronavirus infection was theoretically and practically worked out, the actions to ensure the readiness for carrying out anti-epidemic measures, the determination of the case of the new coronavirus infection during the medical and sanitary part of the medical and sanitary unit as well as the main approaches in the treatment of the patient, isolation and evacuation of patient to a specialized healthcare institution.
During the classes, measures were taken to prevent the emergence of a new coronavirus infection in the infirmary of the health unit and arry out the disinfection measures for the prevention of coronavirus diseases.
Algorithm of notification and interaction of management and staff of the health-care unit of the National Health and Pedagogical University with the departmental and specialized health institutions of the city was also formed.
Press Service of NUCDU