Students and cadets of NUCDU visited the Kharkiv Center for Gender Culture

On February 26, cadets and students participated in the “Truth About March 8” brain-ring held at the Center for Gender Culture with the support of the Department of Science and Education of Kharkiv Regional State Administration.

Five teams representing Kharkiv National Medical University, Kharkiv Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Military Institute of Tank Troops of KhPI "NTU", as well as the team of National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine took part in the event. For two hours, teams demonstrated homework on the topic "Greetings from March 8", where gender equality issues were assessed. Participants also participated in interesting quiz competitions “Marathon for 110 years” and the game “Through the glass ceiling”. Eventually, the event organizers thanked the teams and presented incentive prizes and certificates to the participants.


Press Service of NUCDU

Representative of NUCDU Participates in Training for Gender Leaders' Advisers of Higher Education Institutions in the Security and Defense Sector

On February 24-25, at the Center of Culture and Arts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine was held the training “Implementation of the Gender Approach in the Activity of Advisers on Gender Issues of Educational Institutions / Centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs”. Gender Leaders' Assistants (advisers) of Higher Education Institutions of the Security and Defense Sector, including the leading specialist of the department of education, social and humanitarian work of the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, Anna Zubahina, took part in the event. The training was conducted in order to provide theoretical knowledge and practical skills of applying the Gender Approach in the activities of Gender Advisers to Higher Education Institutions and Training Centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

During the two-day event, participants raised their gender awareness and identified their individual ability to perform functional responsibilities in the area of ​​activity, discussed the typical provision for gender advisor, outlined the directions of gender advisers through reviewing the action plan and received practical tools to use them in their line of work activities.


National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine

Almost 400 graduates from different regions of Ukraine have become guests of the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine

On February 22, almost 400 graduates of educational institutions of various levels became guests of the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine. On the Open Doors Day, prospective students from different regions of our country, namely: Vinnytska, Dnipropetrovska, Zaporizhska, Kirovohradska, Sumska, Kharkivska, came to the institution of higher education of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine. Many of them came from Donetsk and Lugansk regions.

The Open Day for future entrants, their parents and guests began in the main building of the University, accompanied by a brass band. The attendees got acquainted with the presentations and achievements of the faculties and research laboratories of the educational institution, with the exhibition of educational and methodological literature for entrants, received comprehensive information from the representatives of the advisory point and directly the scientific and pedagogical staff of the departments of the University. Currently, the training of specialists is carried out at the first (bachelor's), second (master's) educational and professional levels and the third (Doctor of philosophy) educational-scientific level of higher education. Applicants of higher education of the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine study in specialties: "Civil Protection", "Fire Safety", "Chemical Technologies and Engineering", "Psychology", "Ecology", "Environmental Protection Technologies", "Public Administration and Administration", "Tourism" », For 21 educational, scientific and educational programs.

Future entrants have got acquainted with the glorious history of one of the oldest fire-rescue institution in Ukraine, which has more than 90 years of experience in training rescuers, the traditions of the university, its graduates, educational and material base. As well as the modern equipped educational classrooms and research laboratories, multimedia classes, libraries. In the club of the University for the attendees was presented a film about the life of NUCDU, and a meeting with the leadership of the university: Vice-rector for educational and methodological work Oleg Nazarov and Vice-rector for staff Andriy Titarenko. Colonel Titarenko noted: “Many visitors have come to the university today. This has become traditional and shows the great interest of young people in getting a  rescuer profession. Boys and girls want to be involved in a courageous and responsible profession. ”Issues of concern for future entrants included the list of competitive subjects of EIT for budgetary and contract form of education, conformity of quality of education to European standards and possibility of internship abroad.

Then by bus with guests drive to the training ground of the University on the Bavarska street, 7. They became witnesses of demonstrative activities of future rescuers to work out the exercises for the organization of demining of the territory from explosive objects, conducting self-rescue from the 4th floor of the educational tower and evacuation of victims in difficult landscape conditions, extinguishing fire on the transport, organization of diving, as well as experts have demonstrated the operation of the smoke protection service link in the smoke zone.



Press service of NUCDU

Rector, Vice-Rector for staff and veterans of NUCDU took part in the events on the occasion of the Day of Commemoration of Participants in the Territories of Other Countries

On February 15, in the square on Science Ave, was held an event  to commemorate the participants of hostilities in the territory of other countries.
Representatives of the regional leadership, cities, veterans of local wars, anti-terrorist operation and the operation of the joint forces, heads of law enforcement agencies and institutions of higher education, representatives of the executive authorities, local self-government bodies and the public took part in the laying of flowers at the Memorial Complex. The participants of the ceremony were the Rector of the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine Volodymyr Sadkovyi, the Vice-rector for staff Andriy Titarenko, as well as veterans of the educational institution.
31 years ago, on February 15, 1989, the withdrawal of the former USSR troops from Afghanistan ended. About 160,000 Ukrainians were in the war. They remained loyal to the oath, demonstrating genuine courage and mutual assistance. Today, they commemorate fellow countrymen who have passed the local wars in various parts of the globe and pay tribute to those who have not returned back to home.


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